Nov 28, 2016
How to Create Call to Actions on Your Website

To begin, let’s clear one thing up. Your “Contact Us” page isn’t a call-to-action. It simply provides the information required for a potential client to contact your business. Even if you’ve dazzled your visitor enough, to make them navigate all the way to your Contact page, what’s there to stop them from exiting your website? Have you left them with a call-to-action or a call-to-contemplate? So let’s look at “how to create call to actions“.
What Is A Call To Action
A call to action, as the name suggests is there to make your website visitors take action on a particular offer or request. It should be short, sweet, to the point and eye catching. Although having it appear on your Contact page may help you close the deal, it should also be small enough to be displayed on every page. (Here are some good website design tips on How to impress your website visitors.)
This way you’ll catch all those visitors that might not get as far as your Contact page. A visitor will be more likely to skim past the offer if it’s too wordy but at the same time, it should have enough text to be understood and present itself with value. If worded correctly it can create a sense of urgency for the visitor to “act now”. Phrases such as, limited time offer, while stocks last, order before (x) for a free, are all classic and effective ways to grab their attention.
As amazing as your business may be, there are most likely other businesses out there offering the same service and or product. So, when creating your call to action consider this, what is your business offering your visitors that your competitors aren’t? Is it a discount on their first order, an exclusive offer for a particular service? Or maybe even a FREE trial? Think about it and work that into your call-to-action.
Engage Website Visitor
So you’ve presented your visitors with a call-to-action but it hasn’t quite sealed the deal. They were interested but not completing sold. Maybe it was the price or maybe they had questions and no one was available to take their call? One visitor even went as far as placing an item in their shopping cart, only to result in a shopping cart abandonment just moments later. You had them for a moment, what happened and why did they change their mind? More importantly, what can you do to get them back?
Exit intent software
Imagine this, the visitor is heading towards the exit sign on your website. When just before they’re about to click it, a box appears with a special offer or question. If they left an item in their shopping cart, give them an incentive to make that purchase. If your business provides a service, why not give them the option to schedule a call at a time that suits them? Sound like too much work for you to set up? It’s actually quick and easy with Bouncehelp.
Bouncehelp software offers an Exit Intent Monitor feature. this determines the exact millisecond a visitor plans to leave your website. It then prompts them with a pop up box displaying an offer or question tailored specifically for your business. It’s Desktop Connect feature, turns visitors questions into active phone calls, connecting to a representative in less than nine seconds. Whether you want to increase sales, promote a new service or encourage registrations, in order to achieve the maximum results you will require a well crafted call-to-action. Bouncehelp have all the features to help your business increase sales and create a website with a strong call to action. If that hasn’t sold you then maybe this will, they also offer a FREE 7 Day Trial. But act quick. Some offers are too good to last long.