Advertising Channels

Advertising Channels

Using Bounce technology is the best choice of software to track your Advertising Channels. Multi channel advertising is become more and more popular, and for good reason. The question, when using different campaigns, is how can you effectively track your advertising channels? Call tracking is necessary if you want to know what your best advertisement campaigns are, for incoming calls. While we all have the best intentions of asking callers where they had seen our ads.... most of us don't bother to ask. We either forget to ask, or maybe we are to excited for the call, or maybe sometimes feel like we might irritate the caller. And when we do ask, does the caller always give a the answer you were looking for? Do they even remember what advertisment was the one that prompted them to make that call?


BounceHelp Reseller Program

best reseller program

There are so many ways the Bouncehelp reseller program can benefit your business, it can be hard to list. So we've narrowed it down to the top 5 key points. Here are five ways, the Bouncehelp reseller program can benefit your business.


Turning Holiday Buyers Into Lifelong Customers

Lifelong Customers

Here are the bests way to make Lifelong Customers. Looking for ways to turn Holiday one time buyers into lifelong customers? Christmas time brings in more shoppers than any other time of the year. Wouldn’t it be nice to have these one-timing, holiday shoppers return after the festivities? Better yet, transform them into a lifelong customer. Well you can, here’s how to turn holiday one time buyers into lifelong customers. Create customers for life with these easy to implement tips.