Say Goodbye To Cold Calling Say Hello To HOT LEADS.

Cold Calling HOT LEADS

Does this scenario sound familiar? You want to get in touch with a business but all the representative’s are,“busy taking other calls right now.” Then when you're busy doing the things you need to do, you get a cold call at the most inconvenient time, from a sales rep that can’t quite interpret the tone of your voice, suggesting to call back at another time. It’s unfortunate for some businesses that cold calling has been given a bad rap and people have taken warmly, to do-not-call registries. Truth is, it can be just as uncomfortable for the person receiving the cold call, as it is for the person making the call to their leads. Surely there’s a more convenient way, that would be beneficial for both business and consumer? Well, there is.


Why You Need to Use Your Customer’s Name


Modesty can’t deny the chemical reaction that takes place in our brain when we hear our name. All research and studies aside, let’s take a look at 4 Reason’s Why You Need to Use Your Customer’s Name.


Tips to help increase your sales team efficiency

increase your sales team efficiency

If you're looking for ways to help increase your sales team efficiency, it won’t be giving them extra tasks to complete for the day. That will only add to their forever growing workload. The idea is to find ways your team can get more things done, in a less amount of time. So, how can you get your sales team to work more efficiently, without adding extra duties to their daily tasks?


How to Convert Your Followers into Customers

Now, what’s the plan to convert your followers into customers, so you can start monetising your social media connections? Not sure? That’s ok, we have it covered. Here are our, Top Tips on How to Convert your Followers into Customers.


Do offering discounts cheapen your brand or business image?

Discounts, high quality brands, promotions, returning customer

Seriously who doesn't like a good old coupon? Or coming home with a new purchase that was 50% off it’s original asking price? Short answer; not everyone. Thanks to the likes of certain brands such as, Loui Vuitton and Chanel, who go on sale every blue moon - to never at all. Some consumers have been led to believe that this is what distinguishes a good and high quality brand, from the cheap and irreplaceable ones. But this isn’t just about these high end fashion houses. Small and independently run shops and businesses, are slowly taking to this notion. So, is this risky business or is this business savvy...


Is Your Website Connecting with Your Mobile Traffic Audience?

Is Your Website Connecting with Your Mobile Traffic Audience?

Have you taken the time to see what your website looks like on mobile devices? Do you have a mobile friendly website? Are website visitors able to contact your business with ease? If you think the majority of your customers are browsing your website from their desktop, we have bad news. You might wonder what percentage of web traffic is mobile? Mobile devices account for up to 65% of all website traffic. That’s a lot of traffic no business wants to miss out on. The good news is, they no longer have to. Bouncehelp software can provide a solution that will not only connect you with your mobile traffic audience, it will impress them too...