The difference between a cryptocurrency and fiat money

money and commodity

A fiat-money currency greatly loses its value should the issuing government or central bank either lose the ability to, or refuse to, continue to guarantee its value. Some examples of this are the Zimbabwean dollar, China’s money during 1945 and the Weimar Republic’s mark during 1923. A more recent example is the currency instability in Venezuela that began in 2016 during the country’s ongoing socioeconomic and ETH political crisis.


The founder of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan, issued paper money known as Jiaochao during his reign. The original notes during the Yuan Dynasty were restricted in area and duration as in the Song Dynasty. Another mathematical model that explains the value of fiat money comes from game theory.

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American colonies, France, and the Continental Congress started issuing bills of credit that were used to DOGE make payments. The provincial governments issued notes that the holders would use to pay taxes to the authorities. The issuing of too many bills of credit generated some controversy due to the dangers of inflation. Money communicates no worth; there remains no difference; the value is symbolic, whether gold, paper, or electronic.

He has written publications for FEE, the Mises Institute, and many others. The ‘intrinsic value’ of commodity is a crucial part of building its trust. We can look back many centuries to when goods such as tobacco or salt were used as money. People would use them to trade with each other as they were commonly used goods. Even if nobody would accept it, the owner could use it for their purposes. So if someone went to market with a pound of tobacco and nobody would accept it, they would be able to smoke it instead.

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Suppose, for example, that you have $100 in your checking account and you write a check to your campus bookstore for $30 or instruct the clerk to swipe your debit card and “charge” it $30. In either case, $30 will be transferred from your checking account to the bookstore’s checking account. Notice that it is the checkable deposit, not the check or debit card, that is money. The check or debit card just tells a bank to transfer money, in this case checkable deposits, from one account to another.

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The currency is legal and can be issued only by the government and no other party. Example of fiat money includes the Indian rupee, US dollars, British pound, etc. Lower inflation – because commodity money is based on a physical product, i.e., gold, it is less prone to inflation from the devaluation of the money. Gold is fairly finite money, and the government cannot create more whenever they want to, thus lessening inflation. Throughout history, there remain many examples of a devaluation of money due to hyperinflation, such as Germany in the 1930s, Zimbabwe in 2016, and Argentina more recently. Fiat monies control inflation by controlling the interest rates and creating more or less money in the system.

It has value only because the individuals who use it as a unit of account – or, in the case of currency, a medium of exchange– agree on its value. They trust that it will be accepted by merchants and other people. Commodity money is quite risky to use, as it may face unexpected appreciation or depreciation.


While somewhat counterintuitive, a monetary system using fiat money is certainly feasible and is, in fact, used by most countries today. By 1757, the government had discontinued all payments in coin and payments were made in paper instead. In an application of Gresham’s Law – bad money drives out good – people hoarded gold and silver, and used paper money instead. The costs of the Seven Years’ War resulted in rapid inflation in New France. After the British conquest in 1760, the paper money became almost worthless, but business did not end because gold and silver that had been hoarded came back into circulation.

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But, even without official recognition by the government, the so-called “Swiss” dinar certainly seemed to function as a fiat money. In 1980, the Fed decided that changes in the ways people were managing their money made M1 useless for policy choices. It has largely given up tracking a particular measure of the money supply.

Countries that adhered to the gold standard established a fixed price for gold and traded gold at that price, therefore maintaining the gold standard. The value of the currency was determined based on the fixed price established. The African nation of Zimbabwe provided an example of the worst-case scenario in the early 2000s. In response to serious economic problems, the country’s central bank began to print money at a staggering pace.


Commodity money is defined as a type of money whereby its value is attached to a certain commodity. Banks take client deposit and then loan a portion to other clients. The reserve requirement ratio is the portion of deposits banks can lend to different clients. The Fed uses monetary aggregates to measure the money supply in the economy.

Since a has control over the money supply, it also has the power to protect the country from a financial crisis. Federal Reserve has a dual mandate to keep the unemployment rate and inflation rate low. However, in spite of the similarities with fiat currencies, most cryptocurrencies are not centrally controlled. Instead, they are based on a blockchain distributed across a peer-to-peer network. A blockchain is a ledger—a type of database—shared across many different computers.

Is Bitcoin a fiat or commodity?

Is Bitcoin a Fiat Currency? Bitcoin is not a fiat currency, since it's not a legal tender issued by the government. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency backed by blockchain technology and free of a central authority.

If silver coins are used, for instance, a large discovery of silver may cause the value of the silver currency to plunge, resulting in inflation. As society progressed, people began to use commodities to trade, which meant trading as before, but using an abundant but valuable material to trade with. Using a commodity goods was a remedy to the inefficiency, and early uses included skins and corn. This was an ideal way to trade with all other goods, and determine an agreed price. Commodity money was a stepping stone to money as we know it today, as it introduced the idea of a universally understood value, and a value that is applicable to all things.

  • In periods of rapid inflation, people may not want to rely on money as a store of value, and they may turn to commodities such as land or gold instead.
  • Debasement means that money, typically metal coins, is devalued because there is less precious metal in the coin than the value stamped on its face.
  • It therefore has an intrinsic value which considerably exceeds its fiat value.
  • And money equals an intangible concept denoting the value we place in a currency as having a value.
  • Concerning the fiat money vs commodity money system, both terms differ regarding payment implications, government interference, and currency type.

These difference between commodity money and fiat money a form of commodity money because you placed a value on that item and used it to trade with your friends. Some confusion around money exists in terms of money and currency. Currency, some argue, remains physical such as coins, notes, and credit cards. And money equals an intangible concept denoting the value we place in a currency as having a value. Using characteristics and functions of money, explain how BitCoin functions as a monetary system in the economy. Explain why the simple money multiplier may not accurately describe changes in the money supply.

As you might have guessed, difference between commodity money and fiat money money solved all of these problems. The early history of currency is complex, but most parts of the world eventually settled on commodity money. Commodity money uses coins or other objects made of precious metals like gold and silver. The coins have an intrinsic value equivalent to the substance they are made from. With no inherent worth, the value of the fiat money systemis obtained from the supply and demand relationship. Furthermore, it substitutes commodity money and representative money .

Commercial bank money refers to money in an economy that is created through debt issued by commercial banks. Banks take client deposits into savings accounts and then loan a portion to other clients. The reserve requirement ratio is the portion banks cannot lend to different clients from their savings accounts.

Governments and central banks controlled the reserve but could not manufacture new reserves at will. Fiat currencies, in contrast, are wholly under the control of governments and central banks, which can make as much new money as they see fit. The gold standard, used by the U.S., Britain, and many other countries until the early 20th century, was a commodity-backed currency system. The U.S. dollar and the pound sterling could be exchanged for gold held by Fort Knox and the Bank of England.

What type of money is fiat money?

Fiat money is a form of currency that is declared legal tender. This includes money in circulation such as paper money or coins. Fiat money is backed by a country's government instead of a physical commodity or financial instrument.

Dmitri Kozhevnikov


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