Dec 5, 2016
Is Your Website Connecting with Your Mobile Traffic Audience?

Have you taken the time to see what your website looks like on mobile devices? Do you have a mobile friendly website? Are website visitors able to contact your business with ease? If you think the majority of your customers are browsing your website from their desktop, we have bad news. You might wonder what percentage of web traffic is mobile? Mobile devices account for up to 65% of all website traffic. That’s a lot of traffic no business wants to miss out on. The good news is, they no longer have to. Bouncehelp software can provide a solution that will not only connect you with your mobile traffic audience, it will impress them too.
The Facts
So, just how accessible is your website to the online world? Do you know your mobile traffic stats? It can be easy to forget that “online” also refers to smartphones and tablets. An easy but dangerous mistake to make, considering that 4 out of 5 consumers are now using their smartphone to shop online. What happens to those visitors that land on a page that isn’t a mobile friendly website? An estimated 40% will simply choose another result. Ouch! The thing is, it’s not just a matter of accessibility for visitors, it’s a matter of security. The easier you make it for a customer to contact you online, the more confident they will be to make a purchase. This can also be said for an online business providing a service. Customers have to feel secure and confident, that they can speak with a representative at any given time. The hard truth is, if you don’t make things simple and easy for your online visitors, they will find someone else who will.
The Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website
There’s no better way of understanding the importance of a mobile friendly website, than with this common scenario. You’re circling a shop floor in search of an assistant to help you with your query. Your efforts have turned into a hide and seek maze run, through every aisle of the shop floor. Annoying right? Well, those website visitors feel exactly the same, when they’re forced to spend wasted time searching for contact details on a website. Especially for websites that aren’t mobile friendly. It’s not a good look for your business, if visitors have to minimize and maximize what’s on their screen, in order to navigate their way to the contact details. Although both scenarios can be seen as bad (or just plain lack of) customer service, the customer visiting the shop may be willing to give the business another chance. A customer could see their visit to the shop as just a matter of bad timing. Unfortunately, for the online business the visitor will most likely see their visit as just a bad user experience and the chances of them returning again are unlikely.
How Bouncehelp can connect your business with its mobile audience.
Among the many robust features that make the onsite behavior, Boucehelp software so effective, is its Mobile Connect feature. A simple and accessible contact button that looks great on any website and mobile device. Not to be confused with your website’s standard “Contact Us” page; the Mobile Connect feature is a small but prominent telephone symbol, that sits permanently at the bottom of a viewer’s mobile screen. A subtle but constant reminder to any online visitor, that your business is there and ready to assist. The feature itself has been designed to perfection. Big enough to be noticed and small enough to not get in the way of visitors browsing your website. This means potential customers can connect with a representative with one simple tap. Just tap and talk. Best of all, once the software has been installed the feature can work on any website. This means even websites that aren’t yet mobile friendly, can take full advantage of the benefits. A simple and cost effective solution your business can use now, that will close the gap between your business and your mobile audience.