Why Does Alcohol Dehydrate You? Tips to Minimize Dehydration and How to Rehydrate Quickly

Alcohol causes dehydration because it is a diuretic, meaning it increases the excretion of water from the body. Part of what makes alcohol a diuretic is that it inhibits vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone that regulates the kidneys’ ability to absorb and retain water. Overconsumption of alcohol can create dehydration, causing havoc on your body the next morning.

Drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink you sip on. This should help you not only mentally manage how much your drinking at any given moment but should dilute the amount of alcohol that enters your system as it happens. At the end of the night, it’s important to stay hydrated no matter what.

Other risks of alcohol consumption

However, due to how alcohol affects the production of ADH, you will still become dehydrated after drinking beer. Consuming one beer leads to a 62% increase in urine produced compared to having a glass of water. All types of alcoholic drinks will cause https://ecosoberhouse.com/ dehydration to at least some extent. However, the dehydrating effects of alcohol will be somewhat reduced in some of the “lighter” alcoholic drinks. Understanding why consuming alcohol leads to increased urination requires an understanding of ADH.

does alcohol dehydrate you

Pay attention to how your body is feeling throughout the evening. Monitor your fluid intake and how much urine you are producing. Large amounts of dark-colored urine could indicate you are becoming dehydrated. Drinks with does alcohol dehydrate you more alcohol content will cause more dehydration. This includes most hard liquor like whisky, vodka, rum, and gin. These are all over one-third alcohol in total content and will be more likely to cause dehydration.

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  • This will help replenish the water in your body as it’s being drawn out by the alcohol.
  • When vasopressin is suppressed, you lose fluids by peeing more, which leads to dehydration.
  • BIOLYTE has the core electrolytes your body needs to recover quickly from workouts, illnesses, and overindulgence.

This makes it harder for your body to store extra water. The higher the alcohol content, the more dehydrating the drink will be. Stick to beer and wine to mitigate any dehydration you may experience. Contrary to popular belief, alternating alcoholic drinks and water will not help you avoid dehydration. But you can certainly make sure you are as hydrated as possible before attending that house party or cocktail. It takes most people one hour to metabolize one standard drink .

Dmitri Kozhevnikov


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